Explore Ahu Akivi, the platform with moai aligned with the solstices, the Puna Pau quarry, and the enigmatic volcanic cave Ana Te Pahu, delving into the connection between the Rapanui and the cosmos.
3 h 30 m
We speak Spanish
100% if you notify your reservation cancellation at least 30 days before your check-in.
Passengers must be at the tour operator’s sales office on time to begin the activity.
30 minutesAncient volcanic cave used as a refuge by the Rapanui.
1 hour 20 minutesCeremonial platform with seven moai aligned inland toward the sea.
40 minutesRed scoria quarry where the moai headpieces were carved.
30 minutesTransfer back to the tour operator's sales office.
20 minutesNo reviews yet
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